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Summer is the Perfect Time to Visit a Pediatric Dentist

Summer break is here, which means your child’s schedule will be a little lighter making it the perfect time to visit a pediatric dentist. This summer make their oral health and hygiene a priority! At Arctic Dental we offer convenient dental care for kids to ensure they are happy and healthy throughout the year. 

Children Aren’t in School

It’s a great time to schedule an appointment with the dentist this summer! You can bring your child in on their own terms and at a convenient time without missing school or work. Don’t miss out, make sure you call today for more information about scheduling dental appointments during the break from school!

Music, Sports, Dance, and Clubs are on Break

Many of your kids’ extracurriculars may also break for the summer, which gives you as a parent an easier time to take them in for dental care. Take advantage of this while it lasts!

Checkup Before The Holiday Sugar Rush

The holiday candy is finally gone, but not before it left your teeth feeling fuzzy and icky. Thankfully you can scheduling a summer appointment to protect them for the rest of year with fluoride treatments that will keep those little pearly whites looking their best!

Maximize Your Dental Insurance Benefits

Your dental plan isn’t just for your teeth. Make sure to use the benefits that you have so they don’t go wasted! With summer break coming up, now is a perfect time to start planning preventative appointments and get anything you need taken care of before school starts again in September.

Visit a Pediatric Dentist

Does your child need a check-up? Do you want to make sure they stay healthy and have the best smile possible for many years to come? Contact Arctic Dental! You can easily schedule an appointment online or give us a call at (563) 607-5979. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Dr. Jarod has received advanced training in behavior management, sedation, hospital dentistry, trauma, special health care needs, interceptive orthodontics, space maintenance, oral hygiene, and dietary counseling. His energetic personality allows him to relate to kids on an individual level. He understands the importance of children having a positive dental experience and strives to provide the best care tailored to each child’s needs. Dr. Jarod enjoys educating children and their families on the importance of oral health so they can establish good habits for a lifetime of smiles. His goal is to develop relationships with each of his patients to establish a dental home that is welcoming from infancy through adolescence.

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